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Koreatimes 23th Feb page5      
HoangInBok     2011-02-23 (¼ö) 18:09    Ãßõ:0     Á¶È¸:821     175.xxx.63
Áö³­ÁÖ ¸ñ¿äÀÏ 2¿ù17ÀÏ Cotters korea Fish n chips¿¡¼­ BBQ ÆÄƼ°¡ ÀÖ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.
¿À½Å ¼Õ´ÔÁß¿¡ ¿µ±¹ÀÎÀÌ °è¼Ì´Âµ¥ Koreatimes ±âÀÚ¿´³×¿ä.
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http://blog.naver.com/cotterskorea   Corres korea ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ BBQ party »çÁøÀ» º¸½Ç¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2011/02/177_81880.html    koreatimes 23th Feb page5

¼­¿ïÁöºÎ ȲÀκ¹  010-3758-7337
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Happy Call °ú ÃàÇÏ ¸Þ¼¼Áö  º¸³»ÁֽŠ¿©·¯ ȸ¿ø´Ôµé²²µµ °¨»ç ÀÎ»ç µå¸³´Ï´Ù.
Cheers mate !!
À̸§¾ÆÀÌÄÜ HoangInBok
2011-02-23 19:26
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AFS  º¯°æ  KAFS ÇÑȣģ¼±Çùȸ ( Korea Australia Friendship Society:www.k-afs.or.kr )
manager  º¯°æ  president
Julie Whang, manager of Cotter¡¯s fish and chip shop, poses outside the premises in Incheon. / Korea Times photo by John Redmond

By John Redmond

New to Korea, Cotter¡¯s, an Australian style fish and chip shop in Incheon, hosted a barbeque to celebrate the opening of the outlet and also to welcome the Australian Friends Society (AFS).

Members of the expat community in Incheon and locals guests representing AFS got together last Thursday night at a reception room in the O¡¯ville building, Incheon, to sample some traditional Australian fare.

Julie Whang, Cotter¡¯s manager, said the event was to give the expat community and local chapter of AFS a chance to become better acquainted.

The AFS has been active for some 30 years as a program that involves the exchange of ideas and skills between Korea and Australia. These include job training, educational programs and trade opportunities.

Cotter¡¯s is unique to Korea in that it is a very typical Australian style fish and chip shop, not a restaurant. It is located on ground level, at the corner of the O¡¯ville building near the Hyatt Hotel at Incheon International Airport. The shop specializes in grilled, battered or crumbed fish, chips (not fries), hamburgers served with regular toppings including beetroot, steak sandwiches, egg and bacon sandwiches and a selection of drinks including coffee and milk shakes.

Whang said that the barbeque will be an ongoing monthly event as a means of forging closer ties with the local community.

To get there from Incheon International Airport, take the free shuttle bus and get off at the second stop, the international business center. The O¡¯ville building is a short walk and Cotter¡¯s, on the ground floor, is to the left of the main entrance.
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