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Summercosiness in the garden in Kallerup.


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Kim Jong Soo and Jong Huh explain about their experiences asa guests with  families in 26 different countries  that they have visited through the Servas organization.


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When they return they have been through 30 countries in Europe.


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Herrings and new Potatoes


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 By Jens Fogh Andersen



Fresh herrings and newly dug up potatoes, strawberries and other products from the garden washed down with beer from Thisteds brewery.


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It may appear very exotic when the dinner guests are from Korea and never have been in Denmark


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; but when Bente Lauridsen and Mogens Kruse in Kallerup earlier this week were paid a visit by four Koreans, this was the menu for supper.

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The four guests who all of them have passed 60 years have dedicated three months to experience Europe and the Europeans on their home  field. 


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 Denmark was the 26th country on their journey



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Wherever they have arrived they have met their hosts with the assumption that the primary is to  have an insight as to how the hosts live their daily lives – and also tell the hosts about their own background.
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The four travellers find their hosts through the organisation SERVAS which by the way saw the light of day at Askov H©ªjskole back in 1949.

The fundamental idea is simple


4ºÐ ¿©ÇàÀÚµéÀº 1049³â Askov H©ªjskole ¿¡¼­ ¹ßÁ·ÇÑ ¼­¹Ù½º´Üü¸¦ ÅëÇÏ¿© È£½ºÆ®¸¦ ã¾Ò°í ±×µéÀÇ ±Ùº»ÃëÁö´Â °£´ÜÇß´Ù.


It is about creating understanding between people by letting them meet and communicate across ideology, background and nationality.


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And it is all based on voluntary work with no money from gust to host.


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Mogens Kruse made acquaintance with Servas himself more than 30 years ago and has since then travelled many places in the world as a guest with families who also consider it positive to open their homes and give their guests an impression of their way of life as a means of international understanding.


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Today he is a local contact between Servas and new host families and travellers.

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Since 1980 the home in Kallerup has had 78 visits by 142 inhabitants of 31 countries around the world – counting the Korean visit.


1980³â ÀÌÈÄ·Î Ä®·¯·´ÀÇ ÀÌ °¡Á¤Àº Àü ¼¼°è 31°³±¹ÀÇ 142¸íÀÇ 78ȸ ¹æ¹®À» °¡Á®¿Ô´Ù. À̹ø Çѱ¹¹æ¹®À» Æ÷ÇÔÇؼ­. 


- During a typical summer we will have one or two visits for a couple of days, says Bente Lauridsen.


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The home in Kallerup is on the Servas list of homes with open doors to guests.


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We are travelling because we want to meet people..

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The best way to do that is to be openmin-ded and focused on watching and listening, but also to talk about yourself and your background.

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Kim Jong Soo, Korean guest









Kim Jong Soo, Jong Hu, Lee Sa Young and Lee Kunil are enjoying the July sun in the Kallerup Garden.


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It is part of seasonal life as it takes place in the country with the happy people.


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An experience every time


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It is an experience every time we have guests – exactly as it is an experience when we are received in a new home, says Bente Lauridsen and emphasizes that you come as a ¡°guest¡± and not as a ¡°tourist¡±.


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The most important demands to Servas traveller will and ability to familiarize with other peoples every day life – and to accept things as they are.


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The four Korean guests of Mogens Kruse and Bente Lauridsen go along with that. Therefore they took it easy when they arrived to a locked door as the hosts had not yet come home.
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- But when they came, we were received as if we were a part of their family, says Kim Jong Soo, the informal leader of the  Korean group.
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Although two days are not a long time to experience Denmark, they feel that it is long enough to do a little more than just looking the Danes over their shoulders, which often is the situation of the tourist.
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Kim Jong Soo tells about a Korean university professor, who after almost three decades as an active Servas host wanted to travel out in the world.

- He taught English literature and knew everything about the West – theoretically. He went to USA and had e really bad experience because he didn¡¯t have the ability to accept everyday life the way it was there.


The four Koreans in Kallerup don¡¯t have that sort of problems. They live, experience, listen and learn.





- And we have read a report saying that Denmark has the happiest population in the world. That is worth experiencing.


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û¾î¿Í °¨ÀÚ.doc(145.5KB)


From Thisted Dagblad Saturday July 5th 2008

Translation Mogens Kruse


Dok2.doc(439KB) Dok3.doc(365KB)


À̸§¾ÆÀÌÄÜ ParkJungHee
2008-09-03 08:23
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2008-09-03 08:42
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2008-09-03 11:04
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2008-09-03 20:55
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2008-09-04 09:34
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2008-09-04 09:54
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2008-09-04 12:08
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2008-09-06 08:31
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433 À¯·´ ÀÚµ¿Â÷ ¿©Çà (8426) Portugal ~ Spain(Sevill [1] ÇãÁ¾ 2008-10-22 848
432 Hong Kong Meeting [3] ¾öÀç·® 2008-10-16 891
431 À¯·´ ÀÚµ¿Â÷ ¿©Çà (8425) Portugal (Faro) [3] ÇãÁ¾ 2008-10-15 774
430 À¯·´ ÀÚµ¿Â÷ ¿©Çà (8424) Portugal (Sintra, Roc ÇãÁ¾ 2008-10-15 833
429 À¯·´ ÀÚµ¿Â÷ ¿©Çà (8423) Portugal [9] ÇãÁ¾ 2008-10-09 1120
428 À¯·´ ÀÚµ¿Â÷ ¿©Çà Áغñ¿¡¼­ ±Í±¹±îÁö [2] ÇãÁ¾ 2008-10-08 1051
427 À¯·´¿©Çà(0) England ½ÃÀÛÆí [3] ÇãÁ¾ 2008-10-08 893
426 10.5.2008µ¿°æºÏ¸ðÀÓ(°æÁÖ¶óÀ̵ù) [9] ±èº´±¹ 2008-10-06 1043
425 °í½¿µµÄ¡ÀÇ ¿ì¾ÆÇÔ [1] È«¼Û°ï 2008-10-04 962
424 Çʸ®ÇÉ ¿ÁºÀ°¡Á· Ãâ¹ß Àü ¸¸µç °¡Á·¸íÇÔÀÔ´Ï´Ù [3] ¿ÁºÀ¼ö 2008-10-03 961
423 Çʸ®ÇÉ¿¡¼­ ¿ÁºÀ°¡Á· Àλçµå¸³´Ï´Ù [3] ¿ÁºÀ¼ö 2008-10-03 897
422 ¾ÆÁ¦¸£¹ÙÀÌÀÜ ÇöÀå ´ä»ç [5] ¼Ûµ¿È¯ 2008-09-30 943
421 2008³â ¿©¸§, ¿À»çÄ«·Î.. [3] ¹èÁ¾¸¸ 2008-09-24 967
420 ¸ð·¡ÀÇ ¿©ÀÚ¸¦ ÀÐ°í¼­ [3] È«¼Û°ï 2008-09-22 977
419    Re..ÇÏ·ç³¢ »ó½ÇÀǽôë À½¾Ç [4] ±è¼º·Ê 2008-09-23 838
418 ³×´ú¶õµå È«µî°¡ °ü±¤Çϱâ- 19¼¼ ÀÌ»ó, ³²¼º¸¸ ÀÐÀ» ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.. [4] ±èÁ¾¼ö 2008-09-21 26217
417 People who meet in 08' Youth meeting [9] ¼ÕÈñ¼º 2008-09-13 2347
416 °æÁÖÀÚÀü°Å´ä»ç... [4] ±èº´±¹ 2008-09-09 1013
415 ÇÉ·£µå¿¡¼­ ¿Â ÆíÁö~* [2] ±è¼º·Ê 2008-09-08 1029
414 µ§¸¶Å©ÀÇ ÀÏ°£Áö¿ÍÀÇ ÀÎÅÍºä ±â»ç [8] ±è¼º·Ê 2008-09-02 1004
413 µÎ¹ø° À¯·´ ¼­¹Ù½º ¿©Çà~! [2] È«Àº¹Ì 2008-09-01 1049
412 ÀϺ»¿¡¼­ ¾ß±¸ À̾߱â [6] ¾öÀç·® 2008-08-27 953
411 °©Àڱ⠿À»çÄ« ¿©Çà °¥ ÀÏÀÌ »ý°Ü¼­.. [9] ¹èÁ¾¸¸ 2008-08-14 1171
410 ¿ìÁî¹èÅ°, ±â¸£±ê½ºÅº ¿©Çà [14] ¾öÀç·® 2008-08-13 1434
409 ¾ÆÁ¦¸£¹ÙÀÌÀÜ ¿©Çà±â [17] ¼ÕÈñ¼º 2008-08-09 1796
408 º¥Äí¹ö¿¡¼­ Àλçµå¸³´Ï´Ù... [10] ±èº´±¹ 2008-08-02 1145
407 ºÏÅ¥½´Å½¹æ±â [13] ±è¼º·Ê 2008-07-30 1249
406 Àεµ¼ÓÀÇ ÀÛÀºÆ¼ºª [4] È«¼Û°ï 2008-06-25 1189
405 Ãß¾ïÀ» ã¾Æ°¡´Â ¿©Çà [6] ¹é³«ÁÖ 2008-06-21 1260

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